1200 Easy Street Brookings, OR | 541-469-3411
1200 Easy Street Brookings, OR | 541-469-3411
A time for our Junior and High School youth to grow and strengthen their faith. Bible study, devotionals, food and fun! Meets Sunday evenings 6-7:30 pm.
Women of all ages invited to join. Circles meet in the fellowship hall, providing a time for topical study together, forming friendships and a personal connection to Christ.
If you are a woman and attend TLC, you are automatically a member of TLCW. So what's keeping you?! Join us to have fun, connect with friends or make new friends. TLCW meets periodically for luncheon, fellowship, and to work for the glory of God. They are involved in projects for Lutheran World Relief, and raise funds for World Vision & other ministries.
We hold the Bible as the true word of God. Through it we seek to know God and His will for us, and to rejoice in in the saving love of Jesus Christ.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL - meets at 9 am in the fellowship hall and also joins in some activities with the rest of Sunday School
CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL - meets at 9 am every Sunday for all ages.
WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - meets at 10 am following the Lutheran Hour coffee.
Call the church office at 541-469-3411 to get current information on who to contact.
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